Each of the nine planets of Vedic astrology has exaltation and debilitation signs. In case of debilitation (neecha), a planet is in its weakest state; but all hope is not lost. Saptarishis have declared that the debilitation can be nullified under certain circumstances. Neecha bhanga has been illustrated by saptarishis in Saptarishi Nadi series.

Saptarishi Nadi

Saptarishi Nadi is a collection of books containing discussions of horoscopes by the seven sages (saptarishis) and the consort of Lord Siva, Devi Parvati, herself. It is written in poetic form in the Tamil language. These books were compiled from palm manuscripts found in various parts of Tamilnadu, India, and published by the Government Oriental Manuscripts Library, Madras. Most importantly, they are a treasure house for those who want to analyze the predictions of the horoscopes by the ancient sages. I have discussed at length about this collection in the Saptarishi Nadi section. I have compiled the portions where the saptarishis put forth their arguments in favor of/against some of their predictions in the form of an eBook titled, “Elucidation of astrological predictions by saptarishis: Saptarishi Nadi, Aries ascendant collection.”

Update: The following article has been rewritten as new information has emerged. In the course of proofreading the Saptarishi Nadi verses for my forthcoming book, I found that the planetary position has been wrongly deciphered earlier by the nadi readers in the book that was published about 60 yrs ago. This has necessitated a partial rewriting of this article.

I have reproduced horoscope 38 in South Indian format from the eBook.

The ascendant is Aries. The Moon is in Gemini; Ketu is in Cancer; Mercury, Venus, and Mars are in Virgo; the Sun is in Libra; Jupiter and Rahu are in Capricorn; and Saturn is in Pisces. This horoscope has Neecha bhanga.
Horoscope 38, Elucidation of astrological predictions by saptarishis: Saptarishi Nadi, Aries ascendant collection.

The ascendant is Aries. Venus is debilitated in Virgo. Jupiter and the Sun are also debilitated. The Moon is placed in Gemini.

The dispositor of a planet is the lord/ruler of the sign in which it is placed. For example, Venus is placed in Virgo. The ruler of Virgo is Mercury. Therefore, the dispositor of Venus in this horoscope is Mercury (the lord/ruler of Virgo), which is also exalted in Virgo.

Interestingly, though Venus is debilitated, the saptarishis declare that the debilitation has been nullified. In other words, neecha bhanga is in effect for Venus. This neecha bhanga of Venus saves the jataka from marrying two wives (thank God!). But the other two debilitated planets continue to remain so. Let’s analyze the reason for neecha bhanga of Venus.

Though many books advocate various rules for neecha bhanga, their authenticity is questionable. But the reader is free to apply those rules for the horoscope described above and arrive at a conclusion. Luckily, sage Pulippani has explained about Neecha bhanga rajayoga in his treatise.

Neecha bhanga raja yoga defined

சூடப்பா இன்னமொரு சூச்சமங்கேளு சுகமுள்ள ஜென்மனுட ராசிதன்னில்
மாடப்பா மதிமயங்கி ஒளிவில்லாமல் மகத்தான கோளதுதான் நீசமேற
கூடப்பா குடினாதன் அம்புலிக்கு கொற்றவனே கேந்திரமு முச்சமாக
நாடப்பா போகருட கடாட்சத்தாலே நலமாக செப்பிடுவாய் நீசம்போச்சே


If a planet is debilitated in a rasi but

  1. its dispositor is exalted and
  2. its dispositor is in a kendra (1, 4, 7, or 10) from the Moon

then the debilitation gets nullified/cancelled.

That the dispositor of the debilitated planet has to be exalted for neecha bhanga to kick in is well known. But sage Pulippani says that the dispositor, in addition to being exalted, has to be in a kendra from the Moon. Both the rules need to be complied with.


The dispositor of Venus is Mercury, and Mercury is exalted. Mercury is also placed in a kendra (here, 4th) from the Moon. Both the two rules mentioned above are satisfied.

Let’s apply these rules for the other two debilitated planets in this horoscope:

  • The Sun’s dispositor is Venus, but he too is debilitated.
  • Jupiter’s dispositor is Saturn, who is not exalted nor in a kendra from the Moon.

Definition continued

That is not all. Sage Pulippani adds one more rule to Neecha bhanga rajayoga:

போச்சப்பா இன்னமொரு பேச்சுக்கேளு புகழ்பெரிய நீசபங்க ராஜயோகம்
நீச்சப்பா நீணிலத்தில் ஜென்மனுக்கு நிகழ்த்திவிட்டோம் நிலைசமய மறிந்துசெப்பு
கூச்சப்பா கொடியோர்கள் கண்ணுற்றாலும் குற்றம்வந்து தீருமடா குழவிக்கேதான்
வீச்சப்பா போகருட கருணையாலே விளம்பினேன் புலிப்பாணி வினையைக்கேளே


Sage Pulippani says he has just explained Neecha bhanga raja yoga. But he cautions that if malefic planets accompany or aspect the debilitated planet, the jataka will suffer malefic results.

There is a bit of confusion here: we have to make a distinction between neecha bhanga and neecha bhanga raja yoga. Raja yoga signifies prosperity akin to that of a king. If malefic planets accompany or aspect the debilitated planet, the raja yoga is no longer in effect though the debilitation is cancelled.


In this horoscope, the debilitated planet (Venus) is both accompanied and aspected by malefic planets. Therefore, though the debilitation is cancelled, raja yoga is not in effect.

Of the 78 horoscopes discussed in the Aries ascendant collection of Saptarishi Nadi, only one instance of Neecha bhanga (cancellation of debilitation) has been mentioned. This shows that this yoga is not commonly encountered.

Summing it up

Sage Pulippani and the saptarishis have clearly defined and demonstrated Neecha bhanga raja yoga. The works of sage Pulippani and the saptarishis are not widely known even in India. But they are a treasure house of authentic astrology.

Please note that the saptarishis used a tropical zodiac with sidereal nakshatras — which I have established conclusively in another article — and the rules discussed in Saptarishi Nadi were intended for interpretation of a chart computed with tropical zodiac, as opposed to sidereal zodiac.